I met Alice through Frame Personalised in Queens Park. After the very first introductory session I left with absolute no doubt in my mind that not only had I found an absolutely brilliant Personal Trainer but I really liked her as a person too. Alice has introduced me to strength training which I had never done before and I now absolutely love and I walk away from every single PT session enthused and inspired by her. Alice’s passion for what she does and her commitment to her all her clients is so clear and I could not recommend training with her more wholeheartedly!
Where/when did your personal wellness journey begin?
Initially as a child I was always a lover of sports, however I would say my wellness journey properly began when I was 27 and had recently got engaged (no-one more determined to live a healthy life than a bride) as I’m sure HLL writer Amy Burton can testify to!
What can someone expect from a PT session with you?
I always like 3 outcomes for my clients from their sessions, 1. It is very effective for what they are trying to achieve, 2 they have learnt something about themselves or their bodies and 3 probably the most important that they have had a good time.
Where can you be found teaching?
All over London really, Frame, Fit For a Princess, 1 Rebel and at my own bootcamps in Battersea – Boutique Bootcamps.
Tell us about Boutique Bootcamps
Boutique bootcamps is a class I have recently set up in Battersea / Clapham. It is an outdoor workout that bridges the gap between Personal Training and Large Park bootcamps. Designed for people who still want the specialist attention of Personal training but at more affordable prices and still working out alongside others. Classes are strictly limited to 6 people max and are in a walled astro turfed garden for your privacy.
Some people work out but don’t see the results they are expecting – what common mistakes do you see people making when it comes to their fitness?
Nutrition is obviously a big one, working your butt off during the week and then eating whatever you like at the weekend to un-do all your hard work is a common mistake people make but don’t even realise they are doing it. The other one is lack of progression. If people are always doing the same classes or doing the same workout your body will be the same. The last one is balancing your exercise routine. Women in particular think they have to go hell for leather during their workouts to burn calories and lose weights, when sometimes it is better to give your adrenal glands a rest and starting pickng up those weights.
You are an advocate for womens strength training… many ladies worry that strength training will lead to ‘bulking up’ rather than creating lean muscle – please can you explain the advantages to incorporating this type of training and its effects on the female body?
Even myself once upon a time used to look at female weightlifters and think it wasn’t the most ladylike of sports. However, once I started and saw the benefits I was hooked. One of the best advantages to strength training is your calorie after burn. When you workout on a treadmill or a class you are only burning for that one hour and a lot of that burn is carbohdyrates. When you strength train you are tearing tiny little muscles fibres that throughout the day need energy to repair keeping your metabolism fired up for the day. The other great benefit is obviously the more muscle mass we have the more calories we burn throughout the day. To be honest I could list 100 benefits and get very technical about it, but instead I would just say go and try it…
What other types of exercise do you think compliments strength training?
Sprinting / HIIT training once a week and also a long / slow fasted cardio run. There are great benefits for getting up in the morning and before eating anything going for a long (slow) run. It is important not to elevate the heart rate too high so we are utilising our fat stores for energy but then also important to make sure the run is long somewhere around 60mins so we still burn a decent amount of calories.
What is your own personal favourite workout?
My absolute favourite would either be a session in the Squat Rack aiming for a Personal Best so Heavy, Heavy, Heavy or Mono-skiing. To be honest I enjoy both of those so much I don’t even feel like it’s a workout, its like play time.
What’s your perfect breakfast?
Almond Butter and Blueberry Omelette. – 2 eggs whisked with cinnamon. Melted coconut oil and a teaspoon of almond butter in the bottom of the pan. Chuck the eggs in, give it a stir around. Chuck in a handful of blueberries. Fold. Serve with another sprinkle of cinnamon and another dollop of almond butter.
Do you have a favourite Pre or Post workout food/snack?
Pre I might grab some almonds if im feeling hungry, otherwise I normally consider myself fuelled up enough from my last meal. Post – you can not beat a protein shake. I use Sun Warrior Vanilla Protein which I shake up with some cinnamon. Or if I have done a super duper workout I will blend with crushed ice, banana and some almond butter and more cinnamon (I am a bit of a cinnamon addict)
Who is your health/fitness/nutrition muse?
I know this sounds odd but I wouldn’t say I had any one person. I love learning about health and fitness daily from all different people and places. I think its important to embrace your own journey and to never idolise someone elses progress. Learn from people and put all your energy into your own goals and remember there is no one rule for people so try and test things out. A great example of this is how every nutritionist loves to tell you how good Green Juices are for you. I have a medical condition that doesn’t allow me to consume raw green vegetables (under-active thyroid) so take your own path.
Who has had a big influence on your life and what have they taught you?
My father and my husband. My dad has always taught me not to worry in life especially about matters that are out of your control. He brought me up to always enjoy life and to have fun. My dad can make light and even comical of even the most dire situations, that talent he has passed on which I am forever grateful. My husband has taught me and still teaches me to be the best version of myself.
How do you manage your life/fitness/health balance? What advice would you give someone that struggles with this?
I am only human and even as a trainer struggle with this. I love to squat and sprint just as much as I like to dance away the night with my friends. My advice would be not to beat yourself up about a bad food choice or too many drinks. Start the new day afresh and get straight back into your healthy jouney. If you are going to slip up do it in style, e.g if you are going to munch on chocolate, make it organic and dark.
Where is your favourite London wellness spot (fitness/well being/nutrition)
The Good Life Eatery and Planet Organic are pretty high up there for me in terms of foodie places. And for working out London Olympic Weightlifting Academy is my go to spot of the moment.
If you had to recommend one inspirational book? (can be anything – nutrition/recipes/health or just life)
Ask and It is Given – I read it on holiday once my life has not been the same since. Suddenly everything just fell into place. If you pick it up bear with it. I thought what a load of rubbish for the first 2 chapters then was hooked and practicing its principles
When you have an off (unhealthy) day (or more) how do you motivate yourself to get back on track?
Instagram… trawling through all the fitspo I have uploaded previously on my page (alicerickardpt) gets me right back in the game. That or trying on a bikini (which I often do…. #realitycheck)
Do you have a motto or mantra that keeps you focused?
“Don’t sweat the small stuff” I find with a lot of people I train need just as much help with this as they do getting in shape. I also like to really appreciate what I have and focus on the good – each day I think about all the things I am grateful for and say thank you.
What’s your ideal way to de-stress?
Lifting Weights… It makes me focus on that alone and it is complete me time. Plus any aggression I have I leave in the gym
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Good Sauvignon Blanc and trainers
One bit of advice you would give to HLL readers?
If there is something or someone in your life you are unhappy with, know that you have the power to change it. I spent many years frustrated sat behind a desk in the city and finally plucked up the courage to do what I do now, I hope to pass this on to at least one person. Life is too short and precious to not be happy and enjoying it to is full potential. Take control of your life and laugh.
Follow Alice on Instagram and Twitter
Check out her Boutique Bootcamps here: www.boutiquebootcamps.net
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